What are Spider Veins?

This disease is also known as Telangiectasias. These are the blue or red-colored tiny veins looking similar to the spider webs. These can be found in any part of the body but mostly appear on the face and legs of the people. It is a very common type of disease. Millions of people suffer from this disease all around the world. However, women are more likely to suffer from this issue than men.


Cause of Spider Veins

Spider veins are usually caused due to some kind of venous insufficiency. In venous insufficiency, the valves of the veins do not work properly. Normally, the valves flow the blood towards the heart restricting against the pull of gravity. But if the valves get weaken then the blood will flow away from the heart toward the gravitational pull which results in the pooling of blood in the legs. This same thing causes varicose vein disease. But varicose vein disease is more severe than spider vein disease.
The reason for spider veins on the face is mostly ultraviolet rays. Continuous exposure to the sun’s rays can cause this problem. Various other reasons for spider veins are heredity, gender, obesity, prolonged standing or sitting, etc. These are some of the factors causing spider veins various other factors such as injury or trauma to the skin, increased abdominal pressure due to constipation or tumors may also lead to this problem.

Identification of Spider Veins

The best spider vein specialist in Wayne will do a thorough check and some diagnostic tests to find out this disease. And the spider vein specialist in Wayne will suggest for the best possible treatment required for treating this disease.

Treatment of Vein Disease

The best vein specialist in Wayne will only be able to treat you. Medical technology has developed various affordable and effective treatments for all kinds of veins disease. The spider vein specialist Wayne will suggest to you the most effective methods that are used today. These methods are accommodated by all the health insurance and Medicare of the patient. These are painless and very less invasive treatments. These treatment procedures do not require much recovery time.

Prevention of Spider Veins

There are certain things that we can do to avoid the risk of spider veins disease. Even if the condition is heredity then also we can minimize the effect by simply changing our lifestyle. Some of the prevention methods are as follows:
  • Regular Exercise
  • Adequate Hydration
  • Wear Compression Socks
  • Healthy Diet
  • Maintaining Blood Pressure
  • Avoid exposure to the Sun
Having a healthy lifestyle can at least minimize the effect of the spider and varicose veins. For more health tips you can also consult the best varicose vein doctor in Wayne.

Vein Treatment Clinic has the best vein specialists from around the world. Get the best advice from our experts and reduce the risk for spider veins and varicose veins disease. For consultation and more information, contact us through our official website veintreatmentclinic.com.


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