How You Can Fight With Spider Veins?
These small dilations of the veins can be combated by non-painful treatments
What are spider veins?
Spider veins, which appear mainly in the lower extremities, although it is not uncommon that they can also appear on the face, are small dilations of very superficial veins and of small caliber, whose only implication is aesthetic appearance. Therefore, they are susceptible to be treated with aesthetic techniques to eliminate them and make the skin look much more careful.

How are these spider veins treated by Best Spider Vein Specialist In NJ?
The pillars for the treatment of these alterations are basically three:
-The sclerosis with ethoxy-sclerol or foams of this compound.
-Sclerosis with IPL.
-Sclerosis with neodymium laser.
It is quite frequent that the definitive treatment that is decided by Best Varicose Vein Doctor In NJ for the patients is a combination of these three treatments, always attending to the special situation in each case.
Is the treatment painful?
Best Vein Doctor In New Jersey says - Whether it is sclerosis with microinjections of ethoxy-sclerol or foams, or whether it is treated with IPL or neodymium laser, it is usually not painful at all. The small discomfort that the patient may suffer during the sessions can be easily mitigated with the previous application of topical anesthetic creams. This is usually enough to receive sessions with enough analgesia.
Is post-treatment admission necessary?
In no case the treatment is performed in the outpatient clinic. The sessions usually last between 45 minutes and 1 hour, depending on the number of spider veins that the patient presents. Once the treatment session is over, the patient can return to his normal daily life, only following a few domiciliary indications during the first sessions. 4-5 days post-treatment.
Are many sessions necessary?
This section depends on the number of varicose veins present by the patient. Usually Best Vein Specialist In New Jersey takes between 2 and 4 sessions, separated from each other for 4-5 weeks.
When are the results viable?
Taking into account that once a varicella is sclerosed, it has to be progressively reabsorbed; the results begin to be noticeable after the first month and a half or two months. During that time, it is important to avoid exposure to the sun from the treated areas, since the skin could be stained by iron deposits. Due to this, they are treatments that are carried out during the autumn-winter seasons.
Does the result of these treatments last long?
In principle, the varicose that has been correctly treated by Best Vein Doctor In Wayne does not have to reappear. With this, it is usually sufficient that the patient is reviewed annually to treat those new varicose veins that may have appeared.
Team of Best Spider Vein Doctor In Wayne is always available to attend, listen and guide patient to proceed for the solution to their vein problem. Core aim of the doctor team is serve public not earn money. Team has served millions of patients for their vein problem.
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